
Leaving the air-conditioned car behind and taking a bike trip the summer city center instead – a win-win situation for climate and health? We want to understand how environmental and climate factors affect mobility decisions and how healthy, active and climate-friendly forms of mobility can become more attractive in cities. Here we present the project and explain, among other things, why bus and train travel are also part of active mobility.

A mother and her child walk a dog through a residential area

About the AMBER project

The climate targets cannot be achieved without a mobility transition. The fact that this also opens up valuable opportunities for health and well-being is rarely at the center of the debate. In the AMBER research project, we are focusing on synergies between active mobility, health, and climate protection.

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A laptop being used

In a nutshell: the research questions

The project team is investigating how climate and mobility interact in the city and what a healthy, active mobility transition could look like. The project's research questions include topics related to climate, politics, organizations and private households. They are briefly summarized here.

Our research questions
A path in the park where a cyclist is riding and people are walking

Funding of the junior research group

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Junior Research Groups “Climate, Environment and Health”. This program enables young scientists to investigate the effects of climate change on health.

BMBF funding program

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